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13515 Mascotte Empire Road
Groveland, FL, 34736
United States

(407) 748-7318

Hautzenroeder & Company creates the finest hand made knives and farm fresh produce.

Heat Treating

Without proper heat treatment, even the best steels will perform poorly in the field. That is why we insist on heat treating and testing all of our blades in house.
— Andrew Hautzenroeder


After we have completed fabrication of the steel blank, we normalize in our digitally controlled kiln to release any stresses that have accumulated in the piece during it's creation.  Normalizing is carefully regulated at the appropriate temperatures, soak times, and cooling rates to achieve a completely relaxed steel structure before heat treatment.


Hardening of steel is a complex process, with many interesting chemical & molecular changes happening within the steel.  We have drawn on the vast accumulated knowledge of knife makers and our own expertise (including Andrew's father Jon who spent his entire career as a metallurgist) to develop effective and reliable heat treatment processes custom designed for  each of the steels we offer.  Once again this process is highly controlled and documented to ensure reliable results.


After heat treatment the blanks are immediately tempered at prescribed temperatures for several hours.  Most tempering involves at least two tempering cycles.  We use different temperatures to achieve a desired final hardness for the blade.  Certain products, like the Traditional Razors, may be minimally tempered to achieve extreme hardness and edge holding at the expense of being slightly more brittle.


Our shop is equipped with a professional hardness tester, allowing us to monitor and quality control all of our products.  There is no guesswork involved in our process, we test each blank both after hardening and after tempering.  All of your blade's test results and processes are documented on the Certificate Of Authenticity.