Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have!

13515 Mascotte Empire Road
Groveland, FL, 34736
United States

(407) 748-7318

Hautzenroeder & Company creates the finest hand made knives and farm fresh produce.


About The Woodshop

Functional Art for Hearth And Home…

From Tree To Table

We create unique pieces from sustainably sourced materials…

For more information about when you can expect your H&Co. item, please review our current lead times:

We are committed to delivering exceptional products, and our prices reflect the time and materials necessary to keep that promise.  We do not believe in sacrificing quality for the sake of profit, so we use nothing but the best materials for the job.  When a customer decides to purchase from Hautzenroeder & Company, they know that they are making an investment in tools that will outlast their owners.

If you have any questions about the process, please contact us at 407-748-7318 before placing an order.  We want to ensure that your experience doing business with us is as pleasurable as possible!