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13515 Mascotte Empire Road
Groveland, FL, 34736
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(407) 748-7318

Hautzenroeder & Company creates the finest hand made knives and farm fresh produce.

Camp Bowie

Custom Knives

Camp Bowie

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Camp Bowie


Our Camp Bowie features a beefy 9" blade of Elmax designed from the ground up to excel at many bush crafting tasks.  At 14 1/4" Overall, this is a serious tool for the serious outdoorsman.  The Camp Bowie comes with a custom sheath & accessary rod.

Accessory Rod:
Handle Material:
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The Camp Bowie is a recurved chopper and camp tool.  We use Elmax Stainless Steel exclusively for the Camp Bowie for unmatched edge holding, toughness, and corrosion resistance. Featuring both front and rear dovetailed bolsters, the full size handle allows the knife to be used comfortably with gloves in harsher conditions.

The entire knife is balanced at the ricasso, providing a responsive chopping action with minimal strain on the wrist.  

Choose either a Ferrocerium Rod for fire starting or Ceramic Rod for field sharpening.  All accessory rods will be custom fit to your sheath & a custom handle matched to your knife.