Custom Knives
Full Tang Marking Knife
Full Tang Marking Knife
We produce the Full Tang Marking Knife for woodworkers like us! The full tang eliminates the common failure point we have encountered in most marking knives. Over engineered? Maybe, but it is our design that allows us to warrant this tool for life!
The Full Tang Marking Knife from Hautzenroeder & Company is 6" overall and minimally tempered to provide superior edge life. We maintain our marking knives at 61-63 Rockwell C (depending on steel selection) and as with our razors, care must be taken to avoid dropping these blades.
The knife is just 1/2" wide at it's widest point, allowing it to fit into very fire joinery, and the blade point is 55 degrees, allowing optimal cutting in most situations. The bevel is chisel ground at 45 degrees and comes razor sharp.