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13515 Mascotte Empire Road
Groveland, FL, 34736
United States

(407) 748-7318

Hautzenroeder & Company creates the finest hand made knives and farm fresh produce.

Steel Selection

Choosing the right steel for the right job is a relentless obsession of mine.
— Andrew Hautzenroeder

1095 High Carbon Steel

A standard for centuries, 1095 high carbon steel excels as an edged implement.  This steel, being a simple alloy, allows for hand forging of the blade and a classic forge finish.  Due to its high carbon content and lack of chromium, 1095 does not resist corrosion and must be maintained with oil.  With proper care, a blade of 1095 will last for generations and perform exceptionally well at various cutting tasks.

Elmax stainless steel

One of the most advanced modern steels, Elmax is created using powdered metallurgy and extreme tolerances in production. This steel provides for an incredibly versatile blade with good corrosion resistance and superior toughness at high hardness values.  We prefer Elmax for most of our outdoor knives, and we believe it is the only appropriate steel for our Camp Bowie.

440C Stainless Steel

This is the tried and true steel for custom knives.  440c offers exceptional corrosion resistance and, when properly heat treated, an edge that performs very well in most circumstances.  We like to use 440c for Kitchen Knives, Razors, and our Skinner model outdoor knife for its ability to take a very keen edge and resist oxidation.

304 Stainless Steel

We use 304 stainless steel for most of our bolsters and pins.  304 is incredibly corrosion resistant, scratch resistant, and esthetically pleasing.  304 stainless steel is often underutilized in custom knives due to its difficulty in machining, drilling, and finishing.  We believe that our products should be made of the best materials for the job, therefore we welcome the challenge.  Custom knife maker Jay Fisher has provided a wonderful explanation of the various bolster materials here.

Large Hunter layout on a bar of 440C